Author: admin


Case IH 2388 v1.1

The package is just about 100 MB and contains the following mods: Case IH 2388 Axial Flow (European edition) Case IH 2388 Axial Flow (US edition) Case IH 2388 Axial Flow (US Rowcrop edition)...


Valtra S352 V1.1

This is the Valtra S352. Original model from XarioN and ValtraN111. Used specis: AttacherSetRpm Gear (which is basically a handbrake) manualIgnition (NUMPAD enter) Wheeldirt The tractor runs about 60km/h and pulls quite good! All...


john deere 6180 s

nice all around 4wd tractor with duals, ES LIMITER, and hr meter logiasus – es limeter and hr meter leonadof – tractor and duals Download:


Rocky Mountain farming Map

This map is a fictional place based on farming in the mountains. There are a total of 4 farms on the map, 2 farms have selectable silos to store your fruits and the dairy...


Paraná Map v1.0

That is your long-awaited Paraná Map! I apologize to everyone for making them wait, and I apologize that were drawn to test the map, but I could not let everyone waiting for over two...


John Deere 6330 v4

Special Thanks to Xentro for the showhide_FL.lua script. Original Credits: Modell: Rutschkupplung Scripte: SFM Modding / Sven777b/Modelleicher Edit/Skin: Shippy74 Frontlader: Giants / Umbau / Skin: Shippy74 Download: