Author: admin

Fendt 933 Black Beauty

Credits: waschbar, 330PS, Allrad, Black Beauty Download:

John Deere 3200 v 2

Credits: John Deere 3200 telescopique Air conditionné 4 pneus neufs Capacité de levage : 3T Hauteur de levage : 6m Model : Stan89 edit ls 2011 : Nocsy Download:

Freds Facelift

Credits: Allen Modder, die hier ihre Objekte finden und die mir unbekannt sind und daher von mir nicht erwähnt werden können, mögen mir dies bitte nachsehen. Download:

New Map By BizOnPL v 3

Credits: BizOnPL Download:

Tanco Ballenwickelmaschine


Friskys Farm (Growth Time change) v 3

This is the original map, only with new textures, new growth times, bale pits, and boundry fences and some larger fields. Credits: New Farmhouse Cytrus & Jincheng Power poles Cables dodo27 British Hay/StrawshedModel: Farmerl Texture: Farmerl Ingame: Farmerl Download:

Claas Disce 9100

Credits: [Model: TheLS11Fan Textures: TheLS11Fan Animation: Gldnerfahrer Ingame: Brose Script: Giants Software Import LS2011: TheLS11Fan anpassung fuer Jaguar980: HaeckslerKing Download:

Astons GB

Credits: LS09: Aston LS11: digger Download:

Fendt´s Map

Credits: Map by Fendt Fan1997c Download:

Southwestern Harvesting Map

Credits: Corrugated Sheds: Sandgroper Diesel Fuel Tank: Sandgroper Farm Silos: ? Trees: ? Sellpoint near Farm: Defender&Maca Store: dodo27 House: ? Cow Barn: GIANTS Software Silage Berg With Edits: MONEYMAN Tobacco: jb3pc4sale Gas Station: ? Unload: Bitten Sell Points: MULTISILO TRIGGER SCRIPT: DEFENDER GRAIN BINS: FARMSIM 2009 MODEL CONCRETE SILO: FARMS SIM 2009 MODEL DRYER: >>? slopoke7166 for figuring out and adding Extra Fruits correctly. Arctic Cat for helping me with trees RegisterFruitTypeMod: Sniper214&Decker Download: