Author: admin



Description: All this pack is based on original script => MultiPlayer ready Folding manureSpreader: mouseAxis Fruits: wheat rape maize barley chaff grass triticale rye oat soybean potato sugarbeet mohn sunflower fertilizer silo manure Credits:...


Krone Bunker Shuttle Silage

Description: BeleuchtungV3 von: Sven777b AnimationNetwort von: unbekannt HilkenHI34000MK von: fruktor Krone_Shuttle von: unbekannt mooringblocks von: Geri-G Terra Trac von: shangri66 Edit: Kyosho Download: Krone Bunker Shuttle Silage [] Download: Krone Bunker Shuttle Silage []


Krampe Muldenkipper

Description: Modell: Stefan13 Animation: MF390 Particel System: Dachskiller LS11/Umabu: LS11DL Download: Krampe Muldenkipper [] Download: Krampe Muldenkipper []


FENDT Pack + Samson

Description: 820: Beteiligt: Tobii, 818vario und blackfox Modell: 818vario, Tobii und blackfox (Der die Haube gebaut hat) Skin: 818vario & Tobii Ingame und Funktionen: Tobii Edit:NIBBY & JoXXer 926: Modder.: James08, sk8mike, Agrotron130 image...


Samson PG25 Pack

Description: Samson PG: Model: Bindesboel Texture: Bindesboel Lys: Michael^Admin Crane and script from Kaweco by: Acid_Burn84 ©, Arnold & Tymo Beleuchtung v3 Script: Sven777b Foldable script: Stefan Geiger Tank: Model: Bindesboel Texture: Bindesboel Lys:...


VW Bora & Trailer

Description: Modell: Unbekannt Textur: Mario LS 2011 ready by spider100 Download: VW Bora & Trailer [] Download: VW Bora & Trailer []


Tanker 30000L

Description: LS09: Virtualfarming, Modder Blackzeu LS11: skydancer script: me LU-Ackermann Download: Tanker 30000L [] Download: Tanker 30000L []


Fliegl Gigant ASW 288

Description: This is the trailer for the grain Credits: Original LS09: Lack Umbau, Verbesserung: Headshot XXL Neue Textur: Tobsel88 Reifen: BigFarmer145 gefixt: Larry Edit: StarT Ls2011: StarT Download: Fliegl Gigant ASW 288 [] Download:...