Author: admin
Fortschritt E302
Description: Modell: tuner75 Anpassung: Mario LS 2011 Ready: Dimonrul Download: Fortschritt_E_302_magyar_AP-s
Fortschritt E512 Pack
Description: Model: Drobek In game: Hanysekk Technical support: Dzanito, Maca Download: fortschritte512
CLAAS Lexion 770TT + Headers (Multifruits)
Description: Ingame,Script: Defender Model: Shangri66 Multifruits and other modifications: TiagOliveira Download: CLAAS Lexion 770TT + Headers (Multifruits) [] Download: CLAAS Lexion 770TT + Headers (Multifruits) []
Krone BigM II v2 – AP
Description: Krone BigM II self-propelled mower with automatic lining. 0(e) info panel + autopilot Only Singelplayer Credits: original mod by Meistro & Bersi Convert AP LS11: AlesK AP: Martin94
CLAAS Lexion 600TT “Europa Tour” MegaPack (MP)
Description: Model: Shangri66 Ingame, script: Defender Spezis: Nubsi Modells: Claas Lexion 770-Shangri66 Claas Conspeed 12-75 – ? Claas header trailer–Maurermatze Claas Vario 1200- Maurermatze Claas Sunspeed – Cheebra, Martin94 Buttons: Standard Giants– W,A,S,D Helper- H Opening of the bunker– O Harvested- J Straw crushing-K Beacons-Home (automatically at 80% full) Light-F The attached letter to the trailer– 2 x Q Disconnecting the rails of the trailer– shift + Q
Acros 530 Pack
Description: model: sharikov2 textur, in game: AndreyGunko Tests: D-Key, Gumbeika, DEN777 Big thanks: Minotawr, Beckar, P@vruh@, School Download: Acros 530 Pack [] Download: Acros 530 Pack []
Belarus 820.2
Description: Model: Zolika (Wheels: netNeo) Texture & Ingame: GyUrEe LS11:? Download: Belarus 820.2 [] Download: Belarus 820.2 []
Kirovec K-701
Description: Modeling: Brain Texturing: Brain Script: Edit & Create by Brain LS11: MAC Download: Kirovec K-701 [] Download: Kirovec K-701 []
Kirovets T-150 K
Description: Modell: Matek , Kamil13 Textura: Matek , Kamil13 Programming: Kamil13 Edit: vanek LS–2011: vanek Download: Kirovets T-150 K [] Download: Kirovets T-150 K []