Beacons View Dairy Farm V2.1

Giants (of course)
Slartibartfast aka DOCTORHILTI for ind est and houses and shop models
Dr-uptown and Marcus for their hard work on the FMCmapdoortrigger and animating ind est doors potato/beet shed
Decker_MMIV for the experimental multifruit map & fruit coding advice & the PDA mod.
All at FMC who have contributed in one way or another
The LS-UK mod team for the Gates and Gateposts from Wellbrook farm (09)
adrien12 for the gazoil tank
Duarn for the maison03 & 04
willjsavage for the old country wall
discoade for the paths from his Map objects pack
Sandgroper for the triple corrugated shed & wire fence kit
Börndi for the FahrzeugUnterstellhalle (machinary shed)
farmer 12 for the sinking mud texture
heady for the BGA silo and script
WarnLamb for the potato shed
TROLL711 for the grain selling shed
Wiliam 7530 for the stone wall and potato boxes
Bedaxa for the road signs (retextured by me)
cottonvillefarms for the idea of resizing the bushes to make hedgerows
Shutesy1 for the crop and stubble heights
Headshot XXL & Burner for the weeds mod
Koper & HmcrE manure on field mod
And to anyone i’ve missed Sorry and Thank you.