Bob’s Farm V2.1 – A Cunning plan with an Onion

This is the sandgroper edit of V2 which contained a bazillion static errors, issues with a few animated objects and tree collisions. First map was technically naive and I hope that this one will run much smoother. Many thanks to sandgroper for what became a weeks work at least! I believe the new map mod will overwrite the old in the mods folder and allow saved games to continue. Thanks for the feedback which enabled this edit.
Have Fun and here’s the original text for first timers
The first Big, Small, Flat, Hilly, Grassy, Arable, Dairy, Big Field, Small Field, Square Field, Irregular Field, Modern, Oldtimer, British Map with a Nebraskan Feedlot…………..phew!
1 map 4 farms
This map is intended for Multiplayer use and encourages cooperation and a level of co-dependency. It is assumed that players will adopt a farm of their preferred type and that may become their farm.
The table below explains the farm types, any limitations of a particular farm and those items which need to be shared.
As a guide only in multiplayer and as a matter of courtesy – you may NOT enter another farm and remove stored fruits or manure etc. Each farm should supply what another requires. However you may deliver to or sell in another farm.
This means that single player gameplay is very difficult on some of the farms and I propose to follow this version with one specific to SP on any one of the 4 farms. This will be easier once I have received some feedback.
This map also contains a novel transport system for which you will need an onion (vehicle) which is supplied with the pack. I made it myself and it is not great but works once you have tried it a few times. It is driven by a bloke called ‘Argie’ – he is the Captain. You will work it out eventually. If anyone can make a better onion, please feel free. Onions can be purchased and can access the transport system via a ramp just inside the really big farm entrance.
Bob’s Farm is organic (currently) so no artificial fertiliser or pesticides! This makes it much more complicated.
Many thanks to Riffman for the testing and encouragement – he is now having a break and can be seen fishing at the granary on his farm……he..he..
A and R Contractors have also carried out testing in their field (no pun intended) of expertise – grass and baling. They also kept breaking the onion.
My mate Dave-Bob has been helping with his farm design – Hilly Cotswold – he still can’t pass through a gated entrance without hitting a post so the collision walls are going to be interesting.
For those that like the original Bob’s Farm they can play on Riffman’s Farm as before. There have been a few changes and alterations and the vehicles now spawn just outside the farm entrance. Just ignore the rest of the map. This is important as many of you have pointed out in the very encouraging feedback.
If anybody wants to use this map or alter it for their own map design– feel free – please just credit where the map originated from. Please do not upload to other hosts – really annoying – as I get no feedback from people playing the game except an irate German whinging because the idiot that copied the map upload forgot important info! This map originated on LSUK.
Let me know how you get on using the LSUK Forums and PM service
(Not a real doctor either
clutter pack – sandgroper
wooden manure clamp – griffydam
manure pipe – janLandby
red hayshed – farmerl / dalaid
Hoover dam bridge – Tonio87
3 Strand Fence – Blackburner
Hay Shed – Sandgroper on LS-UK
Livestock Equipment Pack – Deutz Fahr UK or MF6160
Double corrougated General storage shed Old – Jd8430t
Building – Models:Nikl Textures:Bullet
Sliding Script – Desperados93
Found some objects on other maps with no credits so special thanks to those that created:-
5 bay Silo Shed – unknown
Old Bridge – unknown
Factory – unknown
Bale Shredder Doors – unknown
Potato & Beets sheds – unknown
Clamps – unknown
Liquid Manure Pipe –unknown
Bale Shed – unknown
Cottage – unknown
If the mod was yours please advise me