Case IH Air Cart Lineup With Precision Air 3580

Case IH Air Cart Lineup With Precision Air 3580

By: JaRLaX

-gregoire benson xxl credit
Model: Nickell77
Edit and Rescript by:Tubman
Dirtscript: Face SFM Modding
Edit/Umbau/skin/washable by: speedy77

-lemken solitair 12- credit:
Modell: AcidBurn
LS09: MySQly/Siwus
Script: MySQly/Siwus

-jd air cart and seedercredit:
Work width: 42.5′
Muss hinter die Deutz Aircart gehangen werden
Model, Texture, Script and Ingame by Knagsted
Skin by agroxxl-1630

-Great plains 3p300-credit:
by: xyzspain

HKL ULW Horsch-credit:Capacity:20000l
convert to LS11 Fundik
convert to HKL GerHardst

-Anhydrous Pack-credit:
Script: Nibmeister 2009
Modell: Nickell77 2009
Edit: the stig 2009
Author: JS39 2009
Covert from 2009: IlliniFarms

Download: Case IH Air Cart Lineup With Precision Air 3580 []
Download: Case IH Air Cart Lineup With Precision Air 3580 []