CattleFarm Peeters & Son V1.0 (Beta)

Cattlefarm Peeters and son v1.0 Beta is a custom samplemodmap whit buildin rind_mod. New are the loading and unloading places for animals. donkeys, horses, cows, pigs, sheep and chickens.
Animals you purchased at the farm shop, can then be unloaded at the farm or cowzone. also your able to load them back for sales. All standard selling points have been adjusted. the terrain is adjusted here and there.
For the moment in the map:
– original Fruits.
– SP fieldstatus V3.0 ready.
– MP tested
Reason that i build this map:
my 5year old boy play the game, and alway’s ask for more animals and to load them.
So here it is a beta version mod created from the registerfruitscript thx to the guy’s on the registerfruitscript forum.
All the mods needed or inside the zipfile, just unzip and put all in your modfolder.
All modmakers, for mods used in the map.
All scripters, for the scripts used that i modified.
Members from & helping me out wen i’m stuck.
The idea, modifying scripts and Samplemodmap me Jengske_BE