Farm Hundimetsa V2

It is new version of the map Hundimetsa talu.
Is added potato.sugarbeet,rye and oat cultivate. Is removed maize. Barley,wheat and rape you can cultivate.
Map is the greatest,the added a sales outlets for vegetables,rye and oat(watermill,windmill and buying).
Can you sell silo and manure (neighbor,BGA).
In the farms territory located the barn,it is equipped with hidden ball shredder.
Manure storage is mechanical,however you can own a tractor load of manure.
Livestock house 2 floor you can carry grass.There is trigger and you grass stored.
Some fields are plowed,forests in the plains you will find meadow,it can either plow.
Milk car is in regular attendance.
Map is not made of the weak computer,this is a very realistic. i3D file size 82,2 MB.
Play and enjoy.
Edit by Venom and by Metsavend.
Buildings and objects by GIANTS,by Venom,by ar1g3,by Axel_of_Sweden,by DESCH,by juketsu,by Claas01,by sketchup,by dodo27 ,by Sangroper,by Janhenrik,by Börndi ,by Beckar and many others. Many thanks to all modmasters.