Farmers Dream X4

What will finally come to those
good …
After 6 months of construction, a few setbacks and a number of new beginnings, it is now so far. If you own something, traverses’s last stop!
This is the Dream X4 Multi Fruit Farmers. Here you will find a completely new landscape. Besides the standard types of fruit, the following types of fruit are grown
oats, soybeans, sunflowers, carrots, sugar beet and potato.
This map has 4 times the size of the original map and is particularly suitable for the use of tractors and Combine with autopilot, and of course the Abfahrhelfer
the normal operation helpers. Here, only the largest machines are used, because the map has medium and large to very large fields.
All fields are plowed or gegrubbert and partially ordered it immediately.
On the map there is a large central courtyard and four unloading points where you can unload all types of fruit. There are five outlets that would be because …