Fenlands Map Final (v.1.2)

Fenlands Map Final (v.1.2)

This is the FINAL version of my Fenlands map. I no longer have time to fix the remaining bug on this map. Please read on for details.

Notices for special people:
– You need to plough before you cultivate, since patch 1.2 by GIANTS
– Workers will not plough for you – As above – until you have ploughed at least once
Remove older versions of this map first
– You will need to start a new savegame

The Fenland Map is loosely based on a portion of the Cambridgeshire Fenlands. It has two farm yards, a central grain co-op, and a dealer shop featured within the small town.

The map is developed from scratch, and contains a few custom models. These models are not made by me, they are made by GIANTS and some other modders who uploaded their buildings to the ls-uk land objects area.

The map works in Multiplayer, too. To install it, Just drag the zip folder into your mods folder – do not unzip it.

Version 1.2:
– Added more fields
– Added an area to tip grain at the farm
– Added cows to the farm*
– Added cow related items (Feeding trough, etc)
Changed clamp capacity (increased about 10-fold)
Changed some sheds at the farm

Layout, object placement, teraforming: Russ
Objects: GIANTS and misc authors – see ‘Land Objects’ section for details
Misc: claasjaguar870 – Regrow times on the grass, the GIANTS team.

Many thanks to anyone who contributed models to this map. Thanks also to Bobalobmitchell, –tractorman–, DanHaribo and Eddy for testing this map.

Download: Fenlands Map Final (v.1.2) [Hotfile.com]
Download: Fenlands Map Final (v.1.2) [Uploading.com]