Ford 510 Edit

This is a 1976 Ford 510 loader. It is a good baling and hay tractor. The tractor produces alot of smoke when under load and when is hired.
Information Panel: key 0
Start Engine: Kp Enter
Gearbox: Activate and deactivate with spacebar, when activated a panel with gears will appear
Switching gears: Left Mouse Button Right increases decreases
Reduced and normal gait: End Home
RPM: PagUp, PagDn
Add weights: 5
Open Bonnet: 7.8 the number
Autopilot Panel: Kp 0
Light= F
It feature Mousecontrold loader aswell
Edit– Took off cab cover and removed front guard, front grill, and Also gave it a new paint job so it looks like a ford tractor. Also gave it real specs for fuel capacity and usage so you will have to fill up more often. Hope you all enjoy this edit.
Model: Alemao
Texture Alemao
Skin Edit: bobcat_T-320
Slow Vehicle Triangle: Arrie94
Body and Color Edit: Showgunn84