Author: Snapper (with some reuse of other’s work, see below for details)
Sincere thanks and credit to the following people for their works and their generous permission to use them:
– Some components from CAT Backhoe model and script by Zippo (with permission)
– Outer wheel rims by Scar Man (Google Sketchup Warehouse) (with permission)
– Trelleborg TM800 Tyres by Ago–Systemtech
– rpmLimiter, handThrottle, and manualIgnition scripts by Templaer
– Back bucket by Zippo & Nemesis (edit by Snapper)
– Front bucket by Giants (edit by Snapper)
Copyright information:
This model is free to use and edit for your own personal use, but please ask for permission before redistributing. I will
have no objection to anyone modifying and redistributing my work but I must protect the intellectual property of the other
people’s work contained in this project. If you contact me prior to redistributing, I can advise if any further permissions should be sought for the elements that you wish to reuse.