Limerick Map

this map is based on an area in county limerick in the south of ireland.this map has no milk truck or running traffic and i also set it to have no animals.the map has 1 pit which accepts maize/grass/wheat as chaff as there the only crops the farmer cuts.there is also 1 minure tank and 1 minure pit and a bale shed if you want to do some bales.the farm has no farm house as the farmer lives away from the farm yard where he stores his crops.
Fruits : grass
10 different hedges by johan12
lowpolytrees by vanilleeis
tire tracks by countypower
empty map by cadaveruk
triggers by cadaveruk
shed by farmercal96
wall pack V1 by Leicestershirefarmer
road by xXMax85Xx
fuel tank / minure tank/minure pit were already in empty map by cadaveruk
real life corn by sim3.09S