(MC Modding) Peeneland

MC is a modding relaese the Peeneland_final available.
Installed are:
Yard with Abaldestellen
Grain farming
Drying plant with straw bales and trigger
Feed plant
farmer cooperative trading
Livestock barns with pasture
Sugar Factory
Food plant and
Beverage Industry
Relaese includes: unloading fixed
I thank all the modders whose work at my disposal.
This map can be found on all pages using the LS Download original Download links available.
It is not permitted, this map in a different form or provide a different name for download.
Special thanks to Tatra148 locksmith and Sing.
Note: saved games the final Peeneland can still be used.
Zip and unzip the contents into modsordner – Remove old map01.zip.
Have fun at the Ostalgiemap.