Medium Farming Map W/DLC 2 Biogas

Just another little map that i made.You will need to have the DLC 2 installed to play it. Has original fruits, Collidable trees so be careful (this is how i intended it to be for more of a challenge), and no starting vehicles as people like to use mods. Hope you enjoy it
Giants Software GMBH
Map Creation- Showgunn84
Bale Shed– Swiftspeedstar
General Barn & Simple Road Sections- DocOz
Shed– Benie95
NewHolland Dealer- Andrew Stanford
StrawMod Balestacks- Emils96
LieStock Equipment Pack 1- Deutz Fahr UK
Large American Barn– Troll711
Barn– Brecht
Small Hall- Fanka157
LowPoly Trees– Vanilleeis
Esterhazy Mill– siraly0211