More Realistic Houle 6100

Frasercow‘s Houle 6100 has now been converted to work with Dural’s
More Realistic Mod. The slurry tanker originally appeared in Frasercow‘s Houle Tanker pack and has been converted with kind permissions.
The original mod has been preserved and only dynamics
related changes have been made.
Modifications include correct scaling and physics dimensions and weight
distribution as well as dynamic traveling values, such as breaking
and suspension adjustment.
This tank fills from the hole in the top and is best used with Frasercow‘s Houle fill stand. The Houle fill stand must be attached to
the manure pit via Giants Editor.
If you prefer not to install the Houle fill stand, the 6100 will also function with the regular in-game manure trigger.
The Houle 6100 weighs in at over 9 tonnes(10 tons U.S.) so be sure to use caution when traveling between fields. The genuine machine features a hydraulic braking system for each of the six wheels. This mod features individual brakes for each wheel that react similarly to the genuine machine. While the additional braking adds great control over the weight, use caution when braking to avoid wrecking.
NOTE: This mod has been converted to work with Dural’s More Realistic Mod. It will not function properly with factory gameplay.
Dural’s More Realistic Mod features an overhaul of the physics engine and thus applies different dynamics than the original engine which are a truer simulation of real life physics. The mod can be downloaded here:
Be sure to follow the instructions for proper installation.
A big thanks to Frasercow for granting permissions for the convert.
original model appeared in the Houle Manure Tank Pack by Frasercow
converted with kind permission by nsterken