Norwegian Building Pack

Here I have made a small Building pack for you.
The pack consist of:
-> One Old Norwegian barn. – That has sell triggers for ALL original fruits between the two silos, in front of the door, A baleshredder just inside the barn ( about in the middle of the floor), A Liquid manure trigger, and also a manure heap with trigger.
-> One Equipment shed – This one does not have any functions, only a shed for storage of your equipment.
-> One small Shed – This one does not have any functions, this is only a small shed for the look of your map.
All these buildings must be placed in your map using Giants Editor.
It is possible you have to scale the buildings so that they will suit your map, anyway, the real scale should be right.
This pack is for all use in maps, but if you decide to upload the map you have used it in, i want you to give credits.
Buildings are made by me.
And thank you very much to “troll711” for Ingaming and placing all triggers on all the three buildings.