Category: Farming simulator 2011


Scania V8

Description: 3D Modell: ??? Textur: Sergey54rus Sound: Sergey54rus Conversion: Sergey54rus Download: Scania V8 [] Download: Scania V8 []


Ikarus 280

Description: 3D Models/Textury: Denis ,Serega Konvertatsiya/programirovaniya:Zombi88888 Download: Ikarus 280 [] Download: Ikarus 280 []


BMW 750

Description: 3D Modell: sergey54rus Textur: Sergey54rus Sound: STALKER Conversion: sergey54rus Programming: STALKER Download: BMW 750 [] Download: BMW 750 []


UAZ 3303

Description: 3D Models/Textury: Viking, Stanislav Konvertatsiya/programirovaniya: Zombi88888 Download: UAZ 3303 [] Download: UAZ 3303 []


Scania 620 HKL + Meiler containers

Description: Model: Scania: GTS. Wheels: Lipa & VMarci (ScaniaT164V2) HKL & Script: Hoschiander. Original LS08 HKL by steyr1 & Face HKL conversion by Repi Scania edit and textures+pc by kott_huvud Convert to LS11:irakls Download:...


KrAZ 7140

Description: Author: Avalon Style Entertainment (Game KRAZ) Conversion: JAWA In Game: JAWA Edit: JAWA Download: KrAZ 7140 [] Download: KrAZ 7140 []


UAZ 469B

Description: 3D Models/Textury: uaz 4?4 Konvert/prog: Zombi88888 LS2011: Zombi88888 Download: UAZ 469B [] Download: UAZ 469B []


KamAZ 5460M 6×4

Description: 3D Models/Textury: Caiman Edit: sanya1970 In Game: SANYA1970 Download: KamAZ 5460M 6×4 [] Download: KamAZ 5460M 6×4 []