RuinCounty Farm

RuinCounty Farm

This is a small but detailed map.
This map is all about Farming
It contains no fancy sell point’s,…..etc
It is built around the cowzone so be wary about leaving machinery unattended…
All trigger’s etc have been shown to work in the WIP topic
Most issue’s have been covered in the WIP topic so please refer to that in the first instance.
I will not respond to any request’s for help if i deem the request to be rude or demanding..manner’s cost nothing.
Again i have not tested this map in multiplayer mode as i do not use this feature
Please be respectfull of the time and effort all modder’s/mapper’s put into there work.
Please be aware that this map contains static models wich are heavy on pc’s….USE YOUR MODS AND SETTING’S ACCORDINGLY
Above all please ENJOY this map
Edit there is a collision point near the bale stack where you sell beet and potatoes(caution)

Dennis Busch
Deutz fahr UK
Miguel fontanar

Download: RuinCounty Farm []
Download: RuinCounty Farm []