Single Axle General Purpose Trailer

A Single Axle UBT in JD colours for small farms. Contains a Used and New version.
Working Lights, Beacons and Indicastors. Removable Front Rail.
Manual or Automated Bail Pickup.
balecapacity: 8 big square bales, 10 round bales, 30 normal square bales, 78 small square bales, 185 small bales from Welger_AP730_SimpleChute, 280 small bales from Welger_AP730_ExtenedChute, 200 small bales from Free DLC Baler
Model: Milpol
In Game: Milpol/SndGrdn
TrailerParts Script: SndGrdn
Lights Script: Sven777b
Original Bale Script: Bassaddict