Small Disk Harrow

Here we have a small Disk Harrow, It is built to suit the Massey Ferguson 240 pack as well as The basildon Blues. When you download this file there are two files located inside it, You will have to UN-ZIP it using J-Zip, Win Zip ect…. The reason for the two files inside is that One of them is the Disk Harrow that gets dirty and can be washed and in the second file there is a Disk Harrow that over a long period of time will get rusty (cant be washed off).
1:1 Scale
AO Texture
Animated Disk’s
NEW! Rusty Texture
Remember to UN-ZIP the mod.
Hope you enjoy using it on your farms and thank you for Downloading
Model ~ Me/SAR Michael
Texture ~ SAR Michael
In-Game ~ SAR Michael
Script ~ Me/SAR Michael