Somerset farm

Welcome to somerset farm. This is an edit of fergie farm v2. It now has 14 fields on a more hill terrain. There is a new yard with more sheds and most importantly, grass and maize triggers!! I would recommend the massy 240 pack for this map as if you had any bigger a tractor you would crash. This map has all the origonal fruits plus sugerbeet and potato which can be sold at the shed in the village. This map has tight concrete lanes to traverse with small machinery. If you want to combine use a lizard or modteams new holland Clayson. With thanks to JosephMcDyre98 for making the base of this map.
Old Yard: FMC
Triggers: BlackBurner
Bridge: dodo27
Cow Meadow:Wolverine/Giants
Old Tank:?
Little Old French Farm:Duarn
Slurry Pit: Ar1g3
Slurry Store:wiliam 7530
Old Country Wall: Willjsavage
Cattle Feeder:Deutz Fahr UK
Maison03: Duarn
orgional map: JosephMcDyre98
edit: PhilipHorler