Category: FS 2011 Tractors

FS 2011 Tractors mods for Farming simulator 2011

JCB Fastrac 185-65

Credits: Model: Prchy© Textur: Prchy© Download:


Credits: Edit By Martin und David Ost West LPG Download:

Intrac 2004 Spritze v 2.0 [mp]

Credits: Modell: FazendeiroBR und Formula_1 Scripts: Sandro Edit: sim2009 Download:

MTZ 80

Credits: MTZ 80 Modell: mifku Mdosts:mifku ls2011 Gnom Download mods Download:

IHC 1255xlCRO v edit new wheels and new camera [mp]

Credits: Model: RTK-LS Texture: RTK-LS Ingame: RTK-LS edit by:Max900 Download:

John Deere 8330 v 2 [mp]

this is the newest version of 8330, changed some things and is not final version;sounds, front wheels , front weight,textures… are new , hope you like it and have a good game. If you have already installed V1 , that mod will replace it because it’s called with the same name to avoid confusion. That tractor was made in order to have a realistic game, so dont spect having the driveability of a F1 car . top speed :47 km/h Regards Adrien. Credits: Original modell: wohlstandskind Rebuild and modification: Sotillo Download mods www.LS– Download:

Case Maxxum 5140 pack v 1 by Bjorny with ESLimiter & particle system [mp]

Credits: Modell&Textur: MF390 LS11: Katsuo/Bjorny LS 2011 rebuitlt by Bjorny Download:

Agrotron M600 PACK v 2 [mp]

Credits: Deutz Agrotron M Serie by Acert (c)2011. Großer Dank an die Modder der Lua Dateien! Download:

John Deere 9400 v 1 Toasts Edit V1 with autopilot – AI [mp]

Credits: textur: Balogh2003 (Tractor modle) Script LS11: Martin94 (Made it for 2011) Helper fix: Toast (Mad auto pilot work) Download:

Deutz Fahr Agrotron X730 v 1.0 beta [mp]

Credits: Urmod: Giants Umbau/Updates: Kyosho Version: 4.0 Reifen von Schnulla-817 ParticleSystem von Schnulla-817 BeleuchtungV3 von Sven777b wheelParticleSpec – Scripter unbekannt moveAttacher – Scripter nicht bekannt aiNightlight von Jack Betriebsstundenzähler von Manuel Leithner (SFM-Modding) PowerShaft von Manuel Leithner (SFM-Modding) Allrad von (modelleicher) ESLimiter von Manuel Leithner (SFM-Modding) Download: