Category: FS 2011 Tractors
FS 2011 Tractors mods for Farming simulator 2011
Fendt 939 TT
Im Leistungsbereich von 240 bis 390 PS gibt Fendt die Antwort und präsentiert mit dem 390 PS starken Topmodell 939 Vario den leistungsstärksten Standardschlepper am Markt.Superlative bietet Fendt auch mit der Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 60 km/h. Credits: Copyright © GIANTS Software GmbH, All Rights Reserved. LS-Landtechnik. Download:
Well here I bring my editing awaited mtx135 mccormick Model: julian agi ingame: BJR modding and joseluis97, thanks juangb functions: dual wheels, rutted dirt and crop shifting, animated windows, beleuncht v31, front arms, counterweights, loader dual wheels (ZYX), things visible / invisible (5,6,7, numpad 4.9) Credits: Julian11,BJR modding and joseluis97 Download:
Caterpillar 966 G2
Modele: Fredzaza Texture: Fredzaza Script: Fredzaza Download:
BigBud 747 v2 mit Heckhydraulik
Hello! I’ve always Wolte a BigBud haben.Doch unfortunately not working properly (at least I’ve found). I particularly missed the hydraulics on the rear! ! So I made my own one time and assembled in the days of Puzzelarbeit. been improved: -Driving behavior Wheels are now running around -Rear mounted hydraulic -Manualignition (key num) eventu. Set in control -ESlimiter Wheel-particle -Wheeldirt -Much exhaust fumes Tilt the hood läst (key 5), a door opens (touching on UM9 + NUM6, trailer hitch height adjustment (key 4 + num num 1) This is consistent with the key assignment there, because it does not appear ... Read more
Fendt front loader with 308 industry
I made my turn and once the model of Eicher Fendt 308 reworked. (Permit provided) I’ve given it a front loader, new skin and sound. There are more Ändereungen but not relevant (scripts, etc.) I hope you like the Fendt he is also close to 1:1. My thanks goes to the model Eicher has given me some good advice and also to Iceland, the Cretan-me his front loader was provided. Download:
Claas Quantum 6800S v3
Features: Shafts with a mouse-controlled -Pickup with fully animated Particlesystem Lighting Power-custody -Animated slate floor Capacity-38m ³ -Filscale on 2 Changelog 3: Tires by Agrotron155 Lighting V3.1 And much more. Download:
Renault ares 610RZ + FL mailleux
frontloader : BjoNni Tractor modell : Hurley & Shippy edit : Balow67 Download:
Cat Challenger MT875B
Modder: lukibou Edit: Lordtex umbau Punica Download: