Category: FS 2011 Trailers


Tebbe HS 180 v2.1

Funktionen: Standart Streufunktionen Animierte Rückwand Rückwand kann in 3 Stufen nach oben gefahren werden (dadurch ändert sich: Streubreite, Kratzbodengeschwindigkeit, Particlesystem und wie viel pro Sec. raus kommt) Animierte Klappe Animierte Teller & Walzen Anmierter...


Multi-Fruit trailer

This is a nice Multi-Fruit trailer. This trailer have Bel.3.1 script, plane, is washable and has nice dust-tracks. Loadable Fruits are: Standard+ Chaff Grass Dung Sunflower Sugarbeet Potato Cotton Soybean Greenwheat Oat Rye Sand...


New Holand 60.11

Standard fruty + Fertilizer,Grass,Silage,Chaff,Dung,Cotton, GreenWheat,Soja,Sunflower,Potato,Sugarbeet Capacity: 9000 Dirty Wheels Stable at high speeds Timber site (upgrade) Price: $ 4280 ls Download:


Small Trailer

Here I bring you my first mod. It is a small, flatbed trailer that can be used to haul small equipment. It has additionalLights script. However it doesn’t have a locking script. Credits: Model/Texture/InGame...