Descriptions Landwirtschafts-Simulator 2013

After the incredible success of Farming Simulator 2011 game festival Giant Software GamesCom team to remain silent about the next game of the series Farming Simulator 2013 Farming Simulator 2012 or so comments about the reputation perçinlemişti APPEARANCE. Software by giving a precise date in the Giants game today officials started a long time before the construction of shared knowledge in some game sites. Between April and September as a definite period (September-April 2012) explaining the game to launch the game officials will be also shared information about what’s new in the.
Deutz Fahr Fendt and New Holland brands, and was appointed as the game explains the new authorities also Pöttinger Krone, Horsch, Mine, Gilibert, Lemko and vehicle equipment, such as the Amazon is a very content with the game zenginleştireceklerini markalarındanda açıkladı.Rüzgar energy systems and solar systems and biogas tanks to the game is integrated. In addition, straw and hay may be fed the animals. Pig and cow farming simulator 2013 as a Form of greenhouse tomato fruit as a replacement almıştır.Yeni Kullandıklarınıda reported in the New Fruit That our species Tomato Farming Simulator 2013:)