Pöttinger Euro Boss 330T v 1

one Pöttinger Euro Boss 330T Wagon in scale 1:1. Because We missed a little small Wagon from Farming Simulator 011, we have him unceremoniously rewritten yesterday. He is not yet final, a few small changes in the near future he will get even more (I like the particle system is not 100% sure), but here it is for now.
Fully functional, error free, UV errors, (compared Eisntellungen from the manufacturer’s site) with LS13 wheels, 21300l load volume and a DIN curb weight of 2700kg. It can load wheat and barley straw, grass and hay. He also received at 2, 3 Set minimal texture refresher. It is the orginal hangers, thus no moving pickup.
Giants (orginal LS11 Euroboss 330T)
Webalizer (Skripte zum skalieren im Foxe)
Modelleicher (Video Tutorial zum skalieren)