Category: FS 2013 Tools
FS 2013 Tools mods for Farming simulator 2013
Vila Compac Roller Set v 5.8 Clean [MP]

Credits: Model 3D: ZzS and Vila Textured: ZzS Textures AO: ZzS Ingame: ZzS
Planter MS612 Multi Fruits v1

John Deere planter MS612 MultiFruits “Warning” she palnta all cultures Farming Simulator, “Warning” if you keep posting on other sites link and original photos, otherwise it is not allowed to re-publication. Credits: Modelo original: Guagi, Edit/Texturas: AlanFS, Correção/Script: ViniciusLS,
Vicon Andex 393 v1.0
Der Vicon Andex 393 ist ein leichter und kompakter Einkreisel-Schwader mit mechanischer Höhenverstellung. Die Arbeitsbreite von 3,9m macht ihm zum idealen Partner für kleinere Betriebe. features: komplett animiert klappbar (Transport- & Arbeitsmodus) langsames an-/ausdrehen facts: Polycount: 14.805 Textures: Diffuse, Specular Gewicht: 460 kg Arbeitsbreite: 3,9 m Nachlauf folgt Modellbedingt erst in v1.1 Credits: Modell: Agrotron 155 Textur: Katsuo Ingame: Mofi, John Deere 6930 Script: John Deere 6930
Poznaniak 6 SO43 3C 3M v1.0
Crops: Wheat, barley, rape, grass. Capacity: 600l Price:$ 4500 Credits: Model: Dziudek927, Giants Programowanie & Edit: Kondziu25
Fire extinguisher weight v1.0
To the two-year anniversary of NKB-modding (17/06/2013) we now releasen our fire extinguisher weight here. Maintenance Cost: 1 € / day Year built: 2013 – Attachments Mouth – 800 kg Have fun with the mod Contact Facebook: LS-Galaxy Homepage: rights This mod may be made without prior approval from us, to any other sites to download. The mod may not be modified without the consent of the original modders or re-uploaded. (Home – ls The mod can be used for Farming Simulator 2013! Not for other games.
Fella rear mower with swath
—————————————————————————- Mod adds new realistic mower, pretty good looking and nice quality. —————————————————————————- Game version: 2.0 Beta or newer —————————————————————————- Credits: LwFarming
Claas WM 290F v1.1
Hi all, because of the demands I present you my “Claas WM 290 F” conversion Stefan Maurus’ Deutz-mower. At this point, thank you for your permission, Stefan! The basic model is the Deutz KM 3.27 FS, so it’s obviously not the original Claas model. For me, the similarity is sufficient Changes in version 1.1 Texture update (more Claas, less Deutz) Improved cutting areas Changes / enhancements of the texture (logisch. ..) Changed the four drums Start and stop sound Choice between swath and wide spreading (O button) Vehicle scheme Functions (from original model) Foldable sides Drums accelerate when starting and ... Read more
Fendt Wight v1.1
The weight is 830kg and its a good balance for heavy equipment. Credits: Moddel: Sascha Texstur: Sascha Ingame: Sascha