Category: FS 2015 Tractors

FS 2015 Tractors mods for Farming simulator 2015

John Deere 4020

Credits: Walter98/FIAMM

Mecalac 12MTX v 1.0 [MP]

Credits: FTmodding

John Deere 9630 9560r tracks v 1.0 [MP]

Credits: LS15_Alexx79_3D Model: Zolee11, TT-Modding, Balogh2003, JohnDeere6920, Giants, vasilis, pfreek, schlueterfan1977, BBM, modelleicher Textur: TT-Modding, AGO, BBM, JohnDeere6920, Pfreek, donkey edit: DeerePower

Case IH Magnum 310 v 2.0

Credits: Giants, Denmara A/S V2: OfTheSun

Case IH Magnum 380 4 Pack

Credits: All credits go to original modders / creators.

KAZ UVZ 300 Prototype v 1.0

Credits: NeWuZeR, diklig(ДимаNN), -=F@RMeR=-

Hurlimann H488 v 1.1

Credits: Giants, LukeGameplay, Jukka

Deutz Fahr TTV 7250 v 3.0 [MP]

Credits: Giants Software,STv-Modding

New Holland T4 75 v 1.0 [MP]

Credits: Gabriel (Ls Modding French) and Sebastien (Lacampagne Vallonnée)