Case Maxxum 5140 pack
Case Maxxum 5140 pack by Bjorny Case maxxum 5140 Case maxxum 5140 frontloader spec are Without FL: “OperatingHours” “ESLimiter” “beleuchtung” “Fender” “wheels” “ParticleSystem” With FL: “OperatingHours” “ESLimiter” “beleuchtung” “wheels” “Fender” “ParticleSystem” “mouseControlsVehicle” “cylindered” Key NUM 0 is info On New skin Tires and many more Download:
Reform Mähpack
Hi, dies ist mien erster Mod der sozusagen etwas ist, und den will ich euch mal vorstellen bevor ihr ihn Downloadet.Es hanelt sich um ein Reform Metrac 2002+ein Busatis Mähwerk und einem Bandheuer.Ich habe alles selbst gebaut, aber am Bandheuer habe ich ein Madenblech drangebastelt, Zum Bandheuer habe ich mir keine Genehmigung geholt, da ich der Erbauer nicht mehr fand, und wenn es dem Erbeur des Banheuers nicht passt dann soll er sich doch bei mir melden.Der Reform Metrac 2002 hat einen 2-Zylinder Lombardini Motor mit 24 PS Leistung. Download:
Farmers Dream X4
What will finally come to those good … After 6 months of construction, a few setbacks and a number of new beginnings, it is now so far. If you own something, traverses’s last stop! This is the Dream X4 Multi Fruit Farmers. Here you will find a completely new landscape. Besides the standard types of fruit, the following types of fruit are grown oats, soybeans, sunflowers, carrots, sugar beet and potato. >> IMPORTANT < This map has 4 times the size of the original map and is particularly suitable for the use of tractors and Combine with autopilot, and of ... Read more
Fendt 9460R Pack
Hello dear community, it’s finally arrived: I do not trust me to publish something that owners will look weak systems without modding skills. I can has long been looking to find the right Fendt 9460, chop the straw, is not flood of data. FDJ Modding has given me the right Fendt. The novelty in this part are some modifications in the Keys and the autopilot. Also, the script should be a little cleaner. I can not guarantee that there are no Logfehler or eliminated is that when something is wrong keyboard layout. Have but tried to chop the straw with ... Read more
MB 1400 Turbo