Description: Modder.: Lexion 580: Urmodell: Mauermatze Modellumbau: Lander Scriptanpassung: SpeedySC1978, Lander Lexion 580 TT: Urmodell: Mauermatze Modellumbau: Lander Scriptanpassung: SpeedySC1978, Lander Claas Vario 900 Cutterbar: Urmodell: Mauermatze Modellumbau: Lander Scriptanpassung: SpeedySC1978, Lander Claas hearders trailers for V900: Modellumbau: Lander, SpeedySC1978 Scriptanpassung: SpeedySC1978, Lander Big thanks go also to Jesse James, Tr3n3ro, Dark_shadow, Mario, Alex99, LordTex, Meistro, Tobi, Hannes. Thanks for helping to test. Download: CLAAS Lexion 580 BIG PACK []
CLAAS Orbis 750 & 900
Description: Model: Agrotron 130, Jirka Reconstruction: Mr. Neiss & F Texture: Neiss Script: Headshot_XXL Game and animation: Mr. F Particle system: Mr. F Features: – Folding process from scratch Animated – Feeder-Particle System – All plates and rollers rotate – Adjusted for Jaguar 890 Download: CLAAS Orbis 750 & 900 []
New Holland CR 9060 + Cutter
Description: By: Wohlstandskind & yekk1 Edit: gergo.h Download: New Holland CR 9060 + Cutter []
Lexion 560 Oat & Rice ready
Description: Mauermatze, SpeedySC1978, Lander, Flori, balogh2003 Download: Lexion 560 Oat & Rice ready []
CLAAS Jaguar “Special” Pack
Description: CLAAS Jaguar: LS08 Modder: Modell: Agrotron 130, Jirka, Ingame: Sk8Mike, Script: MxY.rlp, yekk1, John Deere 6930 LS09 Modder: Planet-Ls Script: Headshot XXL Sound: CM Punk CLAAS Orbis 750 & 900 Model: Agrotron 130, Jirka Reconstruction: Mr. Neiss & F Texture: Neiss Script: Headshot_XXL Game and animation: Mr. F Particle system: Mr. F Special skin: Nemesis Download: CLAAS Jaguar “Special” Pack []
Geringhoff 12 Rows Cutter
Description: Modell: JD4650,NH G 240 Skin: original geringhoff cutter Edit:morgoHUN Download: Geringhoff 12 Rows Cutter []
Krone BigX V8 “Hawe design” (AP)
Description: Modell: raptor Textur, Ingame: Arnold Sound: Exterminator Script: Headshot XXL Test: Mr. F AP author: zartask / Mr. F Skin: Oliver69 Download: Krone BigX V8 “Hawe design” (AP) []
CAT Mais Cutter for Lexion 595R
Description: By: lsportal (hu) Download: CAT Mais Cutter for Lexion 595R [] Download: CAT Mais Cutter for Lexion 595R []