New Holland CR9090 Elevation MultiPlane Pack (AP)
Description: By: Wohlstandskind & yekk1 AP author: zartask / Mr. F AP and AP edit: Twbaaa Edited by Alkimyst@ & JD7530 Fruittypes : “wheat rape maize barley sunflower maizev2 oat mohn pea rice soybean...
CLAAS Lexion 405 + Cutter Pack
Description: Original Lexion modell: Shangri66 Edit: gergo.h Download: CLAAS Lexion 405 + Cutter Pack []
CLAAS Lexion 580 + V1050 Cutterbar
Description: By: Freddy & psycho Download: CLAAS Lexion 580 + V1050 Cutterbar []
Fendt 9460R
Description: Model: GIANTS Edit: Larsey123 Script: Larsey123 Download: Fendt 9460R []
Fendt Hacksler Double wheels (Big X skin)
Description: Modell: raptor Textur, Ingame: Arnold Script: Headshot XXL Fendt Skin:Livehunter Download: Fendt Hacksler Double wheels (Big X skin) []
John Deere 9680 WTS Hillmaster II
Description: By: MYSQLY Script: MYSQLY Download: John Deere 9680 WTS Hillmaster II []
FENDT Cougar 1400 (reskin)
Description: Räder: sk8mike Particelsystem: Klemen12 Sound: Servorane Script: Outlaw Fendtskin: die-je-live & mod-scheune Download: FENDT Cougar 1400 (reskin) []
Krone BigX V8 “Hawe design” (AP)
Description: Modell: raptor Textur, Ingame: Arnold Sound: Exterminator Script: Headshot XXL Test: Mr. F AP author: zartask / Mr. F Skin: Oliver69 Download: Krone BigX V8 “Hawe design” (AP) []
Lexion 600
Description: Modell: Nickel77 and stehbeni Script: sven18koehler Edit: Mario Download: Lexion 600 []