

New Holland CX8090

Description: odel : Nickel77 Script: MxY.rlp reskin + reflective:realfarmertom lighting:realfarmetom new beacons:realfarmertom straw animations realfarmertom Download: New Holland CX8090 [] Download: New Holland CX8090 []


CLAAS Mega 370

Description: Fruits: wheat barley rape maize sunflower sugarbeet karotte1 potato karotte wirsingkohl Modell: Willymi corp. Skin: Willymi corp. Ls11: Paldoo v3 (TT,skin,Other): Paldoo Multifruits Modifications: TiagOliveira Download: CLAAS Mega 370 [] Download: CLAAS Mega...


Krone Big X V12 Cargo

Description: The Krone Big X V12 Cargo Complete mod with forager, header and cargo box. Credits: Modteile vom Krone Big X V8: Modell: raptor; Textur&Ingame: Arnold; Sound: Exterminator; Script: Headshot XXL Modteile vom Veenhuis...