AT-725 pack
In a pack -CAT shassi -tipper body -manure tank -manure spreader -fertilizer tank -water or milk tank -plattform Capacity of all units-25000 kg
Claas Jaguar 870 Pack (Manual Spout)
Here is the Claas Jaguar Chopper, Claas PU300 (Grass) and Claas Orbis 750 (Maize) headers. This chopper has a manual spout which adds more realism to the game. It also has a manual function...
VOMER 13baros
Here I present my grower vomer, a Spanish farmer to plow the land deeply … I hope you enjoy my first model is from 0 in AC3D model: joseluis97 Texture: joseluis97 ingame: joseluis97