Tag: 3d
1:1 Ferruzza PT60 V 1.0

Description Italian farm trailer for transport crawler. the d trailer is very light, the model, therefore, can also be used in low-end PC. the means or the tool automatically locks while walking. to raise the trailer hold down the left mouse button and move it in the direction indicated. Credits d Model: Trekker Texture AO: Trekker Ingame & Animation: Trekker Script: Pes 4 ever, Geri-G
Ferruzza PT60 V 1.0

Description Italian farm trailer for transport crawler. the d trailer is very light, the model, therefore, can also be used in low-end PC. the means or the tool automatically locks while walking. to raise the trailer hold down the left mouse button and move it in the direction indicated. Do not modify without my permission. Credits d Model: Trekker Texture AO: Trekker Ingame & Animation: Trekker Script: Pes 4 ever, Geri-G
John Deere 8360R 1:1 + Quicke Q98

hi all,8360R update -remake the front hood more real -add and adjust wide wheel and rear dual -add and adjust front loader linkage -adjust front loader -adjust center mass -adjust suspention -adjust speed -adjust density -removed weight ————————————– on this mod you have: -new front loader quicke Q98 control on mice -light -3 camera attacher : -rear powerShaftAttacher -front/rear 3 points -trailer ————————————- key : -3 points up/down -V -light -F -attacher-Q -W forward -A turn left -S reverse -D right ———————————— specialisation : -frontloader -motorized -steerable -hirable -aiTractor -honk Credits special thx to Napalm for convert this model from ... Read more
JD 8360R V2
hi all i make this little tweek on this 8360R add and adjust light add and adjust side blinker add and adjust more real engine add and adjust cb ariel ————————————– key light -F attacher-Q W forward A turn left S reverse D right ———————————– motorized steerable hirable aiTractor honk Credits: base mod by SaMN 8360R 3d model by Zolee11 edit by aigga
JD 8360R
hi all i make this little tweek on this 8360R add and adjust light add and adjust side blinker add and adjust more real engine add and adjust cb ariel ————————————– key light -F attacher-Q W forward A turn left S reverse D right ———————————– motorized steerable hirable aiTractor honk Credits base mod by SaMN 8360R 3d model by Zolee11 :@ edit by aigga cb ariel by: Model: Nod500 Texture: Google Sketchup Conversion from SPK to I3D : Sakarya
John deere 9630 skidder prototype
hi,i make this new skidder prototype for logging map price 10 000 fuelCapacity 900 fuelUsage 0.009 add and adjust 9630 cab add and adjust 8×8 dual wheel add and adjust rool-cage adjust arm adjust wheel adjust light key for arm turn arm z-x up/down kp 7-4 elbow arm kp 8-5 length arm kp 9-6 tool pitch kp 0-2 tool turn kp 1-3 enjoy all Credits original 3d model by: solanz script by: stalker ingame by: zippo cab jd9630 Modell by: balogh2003 jarlax tweek
AgroPonzi Magnun 400
Conventional seeding 8 meters Maximum speed 20 km I hope you enjoy! Credits: 3d:Marcos 99 Ingame:Joel54
John Deere 7710 v1 edit by Klokie
[gallery link=”file”] Textures: Sotillo Rims : Julian11AGI Some 3d stuff: Jhoni_6530 and Sotillo edit: klokie Je mag gerust de mod aanpassen voor Prive gebruik. Je mag de mod niet editten, aanpassen, of andere dingen en dan releasen, onder alle omstandigheden. Enige vragen of twijfels, neem contact met mij op. klokie Van LSportal.nl Behoud originele link! Dit werk niet uploaden op andere site’s zonder toestemming! KEEP ORIGINAL LINK! DO NOT UPLOAD TO OTHER WEBSITES WITHOUT PERMISSION! Original beibehalten Link! Nicht zu anderen Websites hochladen ohne Erlaubnis! Zachowaj oryginalny link! Zakaz uploadu na inne serwery! Tartsa meg az eredeti lin! Geaccepteerd door: ... Read more
John Deere Model BO-L
In the 1940’s the Lindemen Manufacture of Yakima, Washington, converted Deere models to Crawlers. So i bing a 1940’s JD Model BO-L track-type tractor with h.p. And this tractor has no 3-pt hitch so you only can you implements that has a tongue. This tractor has the following features: extra weights, gas limiter, and power shaft attcher. Store price in game: $1,500 Credits: credits:3d model: Trekker, Texture: Trekker, Script:Trekker, harley, 352c, shangry66 Reskin and converison: bobcat_T-320 Fixed some issues: SndGrdn Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?7sqbbn7v4fhp4bf http://www.sendspace.com/file/xg4kee
John deere 9630 skidder
warning, minimum config (nvidia gtx 460) or greater (ati 5000 seri) or greater 3d model rendered triangles 5137397 add and adjust front cab 9630 add and adjust chain adjust arm adjust light arm key 7-4 8-5 9-6 Credits: 3d model :solanz tweek :jarlax Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?phd26hcab8ia9qq http://www.sendspace.com/file/n8lt7y