Tag: 50k
Valtra N141
Hello simulatormods, this is a valtra N141 hi-tech press “5” to start the tractor press “6” to turn on worklights and press again to turn them off press “7” to put on or remove weights press “8” to put on front dual wheels press “9” to put on rear dual wheels features: es-limiter tilting axle script approx 50k in store its £64000 new and £32000 when you sell it enjoy Credits model: ValtraN111/saemo textures: ValtraN111 ingame:ValtraN11 script:henly20 and peterj
addenv color 50k fuelcistern
Download: http://ul.to/fsbo5r2t http://freakshare.com/files/w2yce7ed/addenv_color_50k_fuelcistern.rar.html