Tag: Agro
Agro map Romania

This map is my first project and I hope you enjoy my work 4 months! Are initially lasted so long but I think that went well against other beginners because I did not hurry! Map is multyfruit potatoes, sugar beets, green wheat, sunflower, cow manure also has solid BGA, weed on fields, variations of relief. This map has no traffic so you have to go alone to sell milk for milk machine will not come. This map is a edit of C.L.M map low version Any changes and post the map on the Internet is strictly prohibited without my permission ... Read more
Agro-Masz AS30

Modell, Texture, In Game : Kara$ Script: Lip4 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?9oqgxzv85849wd9 http://www.sendspace.com/file/ophcwd
Deutz Agro Star 661
Credits: Copyright © GIANTS Software GmbH, All Rights Reserved. 3D Model Textures Scripts Unknown Edit Umbau von Sascha170285 unterstutzt durch Sudden und Schlueterfan1977 Download:
Agro Pomorze PGR Map
Daro44 Podzi?kowania: -MarTini -Siwus -Pawlusiek3 -KamilW -Bartek3883 -Gonzo -9michael6 Download: http://ul.to/60kx7kx3
Credits: Modell: lexa950 Textur: lexa950 Ingame: lexa950 http://agro-mods-team.clan.su/ AMTeam Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126960687/8ab4b42/pts6.zip.html
Agro Pomerania
Credits: AUTOR MAPY: Daro44 AUTOR EDYCJI: maciey Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126300824/052e1f6/Agro-Pomorze-Edit.zip.html
FENDT 828 Vario “Agro” pack (normal & pathTractor)
Description: Model: Giants Edit: Siwus Skin: jcbjan Download: FENDT 828 Vario “Agro” pack (normal & pathTractor) [Hotfile.com] Download: FENDT 828 Vario “Agro” pack (normal & pathTractor) [Uploading.com]
Tatra 815 Agro Pack
Description: model: Czech Mod Team LS2009 ignition script:Henly20 compile and edit by Estebio Download: Tatra 815 Agro Pack [Hotfile.com] Download: Tatra 815 Agro Pack [Uploading.com]