Tag: AI
AI Car´s

Download: http://www.fileserving.com/files/ISERfCwH8x/AI Car for GTS by krokus 02mjaym1019.rar http://fiberupload.com/f9jdljirw0wc/AI_Car_for_GTS_by_krokus_02mjaym1019.rar
John Deere Gregoire Besson XXXL

This is the same Gregoire Besson XXXL just john deere green. [SP] Gregoire Besson XXXL Three Stage Cultivator. Has three different working sizes 20m, 11.6m, 3.7m Widths Has safe mode and is AI hireable. Single Player only. (V) Raise/Lower (B) Unfold1/Fold1 (N) Unfold2/Fold2 (K/M) Fine Tune Height For more realism press M when lowered so the wheels come off the ground Credits: Model: Nickell77 Edit and Rescript by: Tubman Reskin:jb3pc4sale Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?g3chlyjc0wr2po8 http://www.sendspace.com/file/t8z4ke
Europäische AI Fahrzeuge

Volkswagen Golf III Ford Focus Fiat Palio Fiat 126p Credits: Model: dmi team Edit:Bociek Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/124473088/d88db9f/CarsAI_-_unpackj.rar.html
fendt 939 roll cage special AI v 1.0 [mp]
Credits: fendt 939vario Author: acert Umbauer: S04 Fan Tester: Fendt 309 Fan Edit: Aaronpost1989 ———————- jd platform Original model: Wohlstandskid modification terra-track: Treckerjack ———————- tweek jarlax Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/122546855/de684c1/Fendt_Vario_939_Specialnormal.zip.html
John Deere 9400 v 1 Toasts Edit V1 with autopilot – AI [mp]
Credits: textur: Balogh2003 (Tractor modle) Script LS11: Martin94 (Made it for 2011) Helper fix: Toast (Mad auto pilot work) Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/121257284/7d95626/JD_9400.zip.html