Tag: Air
Dairy Air v1.2 (DLC 2)

This is the Origianl Map, With a much better look, Standard crops Plus Weeds mod and Modified Manure,Great views and better fields, New Sell points for crops..ect and a GardenCentre with all you need for putting DLC Greenhouses…ect. Map has standard crops only.You must have DLC 2 at least, For the BGA. New Grass and Silage Clamps. New Grain Silos. There’s New Sell Points to off load your grain, The New Mill or Container Yard, Raiffeisen Nord you can also sell Bales here and buy seeds for sowing, And FKGrains There’s also a BGA & Manure Gas plant for selling ... Read more
Dairy Air

Manure & Liquid Manure, Milk Will be collected by Milk truck, or you can take it and sell it at the dairy yourself, Sell trigger is at the back of the dairy, Fill triger is in front of the milkRobot at the cowzone.P.D.A map is a bit better as well, Enjoy. Download: http://ul.to/r1ab9b2d
This is the CAT D9G crawler tractor for you This version can compress the silo on the DLC 2 BGA very quickly I have adjusted the weight of the original and the caterpillars are no longer hanging in the air Download: http://ul.to/xjgyv03b
Dairy Air v1
This is the original map from LS2011 with a much better look & Fields, It’s mostly aimed at Dairy Farming, Producing milk, It has a small Dairy farm built around the cowzone, With some stadic Cows & Pigs, It’s a nice map, There’s 2 versions in the Zip one with the BGA from the DLC2 add-on, So you will need to have DLC2 or Platinum Edition to play, The other version has no DLC addons so will be fine for Download: http://ul.to/yntx0awv
Dairy Air v1.1 (Fixed Silage Clamps)
(Pigs) -by marjas31 Cows)-Rincewind Sheep) – by Maxter Hedge)-countypower Lowpolytrees) – by Vanilleeis YardBuildingKit & Buildings) – By – Modteam Cattle Barns) – Tommy23 BGA DLC2) – By Giants Raiffeisen) Nord – Maistro, Giants, Powerd By MRA Modding. Felleskjopet Granary) (FKGarins) – By RRS New Mill ) – By Zippo Houses) Models: Giants, Textures: some made by ar1g3 hritish hay/straw shed) – Farmerl silos) …? Grass & Silage Clamps) – Mittle, MF390,Heady,Faiten. Download: http://ul.to/syrw2nk8
John Deere 3200 v 2
Credits: John Deere 3200 telescopique Air conditionné 4 pneus neufs Capacité de levage : 3T Hauteur de levage : 6m Model : Stan89 wwww.tsforum3.com edit ls 2011 : Nocsy Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/127737803/d8cbace/JD_3200_V2.zip.html
John Deere 7930 & Amazone Air Avant ModPack
Description: John Deere 7930 AutoQuad Model: Wohlstandskind, Templaer Edit: Boembchen, Balu79nvp, Mario, Repi Scripts: Templaer, Schnulla-817, HeadshotXXL, Face, Sven777b, Tr3n3rO Re. Edit: Jegge John Deere Frontweight Model: Blancker Textur: Blancker Edit: Repi Script: Face Amazone Avant FRS 104 Model: Jdfan Textur: Jdfan Ingame: Jdfan Scripts: Face Edit: Jegge Amazone AS 402 Model: Jdfan Textur: Jdfan Ingame: Jdfan Script: John–Deere 6930, Face Edit: Jegge Lemken Zirkon 8 Model: LordNyax Textur: John–Deere 6930 Ingame: John–Deere 6930 Script: John–Deere 6930, Face Edit: Jegge Download: John Deere 7930 & Amazone Air Avant ModPack [Hotfile.com] Download: John Deere 7930 & Amazone Air Avant ModPack [Uploading.com]
Case IH Air Cart Lineup With Precision Air 3580
Description: By: JaRLaX -gregoire benson xxl credit Model: Nickell77 Edit and Rescript by:Tubman Dirtscript: Face SFM Modding Edit/Umbau/skin/washable by: speedy77 -lemken solitair 12- credit: Modell: AcidBurn LS09: MySQly/Siwus Script: MySQly/Siwus -jd air cart and seeder–credit: Work width: 42.5′ Muss hinter die Deutz Aircart gehangen werden Model, Texture, Script and Ingame by Knagsted Skin by agroxxl-1630 -Great plains 3p300-credit: by: xyzspain –HKL ULW Horsch-credit:Capacity:20000l Modder: CLAASVEET81 convert to LS11 Fundik convert to HKL GerHardst -Anhydrous Pack-credit: Script: Nibmeister 2009 Modell: Nickell77 2009 Edit: the stig 2009 Author: JS39 2009 Covert from 2009: IlliniFarms Download: Case IH Air Cart Lineup With Precision ... Read more
JD Air Seeder & Cart
Description: John Deere 1890 airseeder and John Deere 1910 aircart [SP] Fill Types: wheat barley rape oat soybean pea rice mohn fertilizer liquidManure Use the front tank for fertilizer and the rear tank for seed, or fill both with seed. For seeds fill with grain trailers not the seed stack. For Fertilizer it fills from trailers, spray trigger and the liquidManure trigger. Single Player only. Credits: Model: Knagsted Textures: Knagsted Script: Knagsted & Tubman FS2011 and edit: Tubman Released with Permission. Download: JD Air Seeder & Cart [Hotfile.com] Download: JD Air Seeder & Cart [Uploading.com]