Tag: aiTractor
Arion 640 v V1

Description Working light, front / rear engine Start Indicator / warning lights specialization motorized steerable hirable aiTractor honk greenstar beleuchtung31 johnDeereHud selectable drivingParticleSystem wheelParticleSpec Credits: Sigma4 credits: Modello:Ago_systemtech; Script used: Manuel Leithner (SFM–Modding).Giants. Claas Arion 520 credits: Model:Templaer & Wohlstandskind Textur:Templaer & Luis/Little Brother1995 Funktionen eingebaut:Luis/Little Brother1995 ft. DerFreddy Modell verfeinert/LS13 ready:DerFreddy
IMT 5500 V2

Description – completely new rear end of tractor – new lights – fixed some lighting issues – add a lot of new materials for more realistic look – add mirrors – made some materials to be non transparent – fixed camera – added glass features of the tractor: – motorized – steerable – hirable – aiTractor – raba245 – RABAsteering Credits Model, Texture, Scripts and Convert: dammir and fare 022 IMT 5500 V2 by Vex90
John Deere 8360R ILS v2.0.1

hi all i make this little update 8360R ILS v2.0.1 real normal wheel front loader quicke Q98 jd-shovel jd weight —————————————- on this pack you have: 1x jd 8360r ils updated 1x quicke Q98 control on mice 1x jd weight 1x jd shovel -3 camera -light attacher: -rear powerShaftAttacher -front/rear 3 points -trailer —————————————- update: adjust real wheel scale adjust suspention adjust center mass adjust radius add and adjust rear 3 point adjust front weight attacher add and adjust wheel weight ————————————— key: -3 points up/down -V -light -F -attacher-Q -W forward -A turn left -S reverse -D right ———————————— ... Read more
John Deere 8360R 1:1 + Quicke Q98
hi all,8360R update -remake the front hood more real -add and adjust wide wheel and rear dual -add and adjust front loader linkage -adjust front loader -adjust center mass -adjust suspention -adjust speed -adjust density -removed weight ————————————– on this mod you have: -new front loader quicke Q98 control on mice -light -3 camera attacher : -rear powerShaftAttacher -front/rear 3 points -trailer ————————————- key : -3 points up/down -V -light -F -attacher-Q -W forward -A turn left -S reverse -D right ———————————— specialisation : -frontloader -motorized -steerable -hirable -aiTractor -honk Credits special thx to Napalm for convert this model from ... Read more
JD 8360R V2
hi all i make this little tweek on this 8360R add and adjust light add and adjust side blinker add and adjust more real engine add and adjust cb ariel ————————————– key light -F attacher-Q W forward A turn left S reverse D right ———————————– motorized steerable hirable aiTractor honk Credits: base mod by SaMN 8360R 3d model by Zolee11 edit by aigga
JD 8360R
hi all i make this little tweek on this 8360R add and adjust light add and adjust side blinker add and adjust more real engine add and adjust cb ariel ————————————– key light -F attacher-Q W forward A turn left S reverse D right ———————————– motorized steerable hirable aiTractor honk Credits base mod by SaMN 8360R 3d model by Zolee11 :@ edit by aigga cb ariel by: Model: Nod500 Texture: Google Sketchup Conversion from SPK to I3D : Sakarya
In my opinion there are not enough old school tractors so thats why i decedid to make a Case Ih 956xl As always i kept it verry clean so that everybody can use it on their computer It has the folowing specs: motorized steerable hirable aiTractor ESLimiter beleuchtung31 dynamicExhaustingSystem hydraulicAnimations Pivot Axle Credits Modell:Bjorny AO Texture:Bjorny In-Game:Bjorny Sound:Bjorny Scripts:Sven777b/SFM-Modding/Manuel Leithner/modelleicher
Fendt Favorit 824 V2
motorized steerable hirable aiTractor ESLimiter powerShaftAttacher beleuchtung31 dynamicExhaustingSystem interactive Control interactive Windows interactive Button What’s New!!!!!!!!!! -> Interactive – Control for: Windows, doors, front linkage and RU -> V3.1, with indicator lights sound script, etc.. -> Powershaftattacher -> Hour Meters -> Swing axle -> Rev Credits Fendt Favorit 824, viele Funktionen, 240 PS Modell : schlueterfan1977 Umbau : Stefan
Ford 8630
motorized, steerable, hirable, aiTractor, workLights, PowershaftT, ParticleSystem, wheelParticleSpec, moveAttach. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?bpd16gbnla8888p http://www.sendspace.com/file/8yq97a
John Deere 6930 Seeding Pack
Description: Possibly the best 6930 mod Ive seen! Features: -motorized -steerable -hirable -aiTractor -Es-limiter -Opining Doors and Windows -Front Hitch Unfold/Fold -Indicators -Working lights -Becon Lights -Pipe for Amozone Detectible And attachable -Folding of Rear Tools This is a PACK! Please UNZIP ALL Files! Credits: Model: Johny 6530 Desperados93 Model edited: SergitoJD Textures: SergitoJD Ingame: Johny 6530 Desperados93 Sounds: SergitoJD Scripts: SergitoJD & Johny 6530 Desperados93 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?4snx4m4jggst1c4 http://www.sendspace.com/file/lrxdel