Tag: AlesK
New Holland Track Quad Pack

Credits: 410KW/500HP Motor: Cummins 6-cyl diesel Modell: balogh2003 Trac script: shangri66 edit and conversion for LS 2011 AlesK Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/127259386/048e027/NewHolland–QT.zip.html
John Deere 7810 AP

Credits: Model: Templaer and Wohlstandskind Model: Agrotron130 edit and conversion for LS2011 AlesK Autopilot LS11 AlesK Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/121763458/74feb42/JohnDeere7810_AP.zip.html
CASE IH steiger 600 HD

Description: Modell: balogh2003 Textur: balogh2003 trac script: shangri66 Edit – AlesK MP ready: Martin94 Download: CASE IH steiger 600 HD [Hotfile.com] Download: CASE IH steiger 600 HD [Uploading.com]
Kverneland CTC 500

Description: Modell: steyr1 Script: Face Performance-Tuning: MadMax Herausgeber: SFM-Modding LS11: AlesK Download: KvernelandCTC
Horsch SW 3500S + Pronto 6AS + Maistro RC
Description: Original mod: Outlaw Edit: Siwus LS 11 ready and edit AlesK Testfahrer – Maca und Hubajs Download: Horsch SW 3500S + Pronto 6AS + Maistro RC [Hotfile.com] Download: Horsch SW 3500S + Pronto 6AS + Maistro RC [Uploading.com]
Krone BigM II v2 – AP
Description: Krone BigM II self-propelled mower with automatic lining. 0(e) info panel + autopilot Only Singelplayer Credits: original mod by Meistro & Bersi Convert AP LS11: AlesK AP: Martin94
Valtra T182 (AP)
Description: Modell: Saemo Textures: Saemo, ValtraN111, Koozzi, Frontwheels: XarioN InGame: Saemo Script: Giants Software Autopilot LS09 Zartask / Mr F AP LS11 AlesK Download: Valtra T182 (AP) [Hotfile.com] Download: Valtra T182 (AP) [Uploading.com]
Case IH Quadtrac STX535
Description: Modell: balogh2003 Textur: balogh2003 trac script: shangri66 main script-BoneCrusherXes & Assassin Edit – AlesK Download: CaseIH_STX_535_Quadtrack
FIAT 180-90 DT
Description: Edit and conversion AlesK Download: FIAT 180-90 DT [Hotfile.com] Download: FIAT 180-90 DT [Uploading.com]
Case IH Quadtrac STX535 (Reflective)
Description: Modell: balogh2003 Textur: balogh2003 trac script: shangri66 main script-BoneCrusherXes & Assassin Sounds: KingFrame RF: Martin94 edit script LS11: Martin94 help script: AlesK Download: CaseIH_STX_535_Quadtrack_RF_CZ