Tag: Alkimyst
MF 1155 FL

Credits: BY:ValtraN111 Edited by Alkimyst@ And JD7530 Sounds BY Clod Test and fix ingame: Alkimyst@ and JD7530 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/124807285/91879a6/MF1155FL_v2.zip.html

Credits: Modelo: Taylor Ingame: Sabo-1310 Edit: gergo.h.90 LS11 Conversão e Multiplayer compatíveis: Hmcre & Alkimyst @ Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/124566778/b8fa882/NAS676.zip.html
John Deere 4850 4wd Autoquad+ & Internal sound

Description: Modell: Knagsted Edit: gergo.h.90 Edited by Alkimyst@ Internal sound by Clod Download: John Deere 4850 4wd Autoquad+ & Internal sound [Hotfile.com]
Rebuil JohnDeere 7530

Description: Made by forke – Edited by Alkimyst – And rebuild by Tim Klouwers Download: Rebuil JohnDeere 7530 [Hotfile.com]
John Deere 7530 Wiht Herder
Description: John deere by: forke – Edited by Alkimyst – rebuild by: Tim Klouwers Herder-Multilonger by: xyzspain – rebuild by: Tim Klouwers Download: John Deere 7530 Wiht Herder [Hotfile.com]
CLAAS Xerion 5000 Big wheels
Description: Model: vojt4s textura: vojt4s in game: rosomak Edit Larry Fixed and Edited by Alkimyst@ Wheels edit: jani81 Download: CLAAS Xerion 5000 Big wheels [Hotfile.com]
Schlüter 5000 TVL (AP) WheelsEdit & Autoquad+ Pack
Description: Modell: Schlüterfan Konvertierung: Katsuo Ingame & Anpassungen: Dachskiller Scripterweiterung: Schnulla-817 Fahrschule: MadMax AP Edit: Sloppy_ Edited by Alkimyst@ Download: Schlüter 5000 TVL (AP) WheelsEdit & Autoquad+ Pack [Hotfile.com]
Massey Ferguson 1150 Dual Pipe Pack
Description: Original MOd: MODEL:Tom95 TEXTURE:Tom95 SCRIPT:Tom95 Edited By ALkimyst@ Download: Massey Ferguson 1150 Dual Pipe Pack [Hotfile.com] Download: Massey Ferguson 1150 Dual Pipe Pack [Uploading.com]
John Deere 7530 Premium AutoQuad+ (FL)
Description: By MB_Trac Script: Templaer Edited by Alkimyst@ Frontloader edit by Repsol96 Download: John Deere 7530 Premium AutoQuad+ (FL) [Hotfile.com] Download: John Deere 7530 Premium AutoQuad+ (FL) [Uploading.com]
New Holland CR9090 Elevation MultiPlane Pack (AP)
Description: By: Wohlstandskind & yekk1 AP author: zartask / Mr. F AP and AP edit: Twbaaa Edited by Alkimyst@ & JD7530 Fruittypes : “wheat rape maize barley sunflower maizev2 oat mohn pea rice soybean triticale rye sugarcane sunflowerSilage” Download: New Holland CR9090 Elevation MultiPlane Pack (AP) [Hotfile.com]