Tag: apples

FruitsMap For Farming Simulator 2011 Map no animals (cows).Production of alcohol: beer, wine, plumsBrandy The map contains the following crops: barley, wheat grass, apples, pears, plums, green grapes, blue grapes and hops. apples, pears, plums:needsSeeding=false green grapes, blue grapes : allowsSeeding=true Map includes the following modes: Brewery-input: hops and barley. Output: Radegast (beer) Composting: Input-barley straw, wheat straw and grass. Output-manure. Distillery: Input-apples, pears, plums. Output-plum. Agrofert: sale and purchase of crops. Winery: Input-green grapes, purple grapes. Output-wine Garden center: sales of manure and fertilizer. Apiaries. Input sugar (buy at Agrofert). Output honey. Mill: Input-barley, wheat. Output-flour. Kaufaland-buys: flour, honey, ... Read more
Farm accer map multifruit v1

HELLO! Guys! well here is the first map of the tg-group Name: FARM ACCER multifruit this map and medium-large category and its dificudades Transportation is in for the distances from one crop to another and much more besides the main farm and milk are far from the city requires trailer to take the slower machines, the main point of this map ; are eight different types of fruit dairy farm did not get the truck you will have to carry, silo to all the main farm crops, big port to sell their plantations This version and only “one” so will ... Read more
Yacht Trailer for ETS

Install: Turn it on RAR file you downloaded. Found in the. SCS file extension My Documents / Euro Truck Simulator/ mod / copy in Folder Introduction: Transplant from Haulin. Instead reefer trailer. Haul goods: potatoes tomatoes apples oranges sugar frozen_food meat furniture drymilk cheese yogurt icecream glass medicals Credits: By Jianxun Download: FireII_Yacht_reefer.rar (607KB)