Tag: Aston
Cibieshire 2012 V2

Welcome to Cibieshire 2012 V2 So what’s new? Well after listening to the feedback from the original release i have been busy reworking my map to correct a few issue’s members were reporting to me. 1. i have learnt myself to make a PDA so now with working PDA (Major headache). 2. i have added an extra sell point in the main yard (to the left of the maize pit) were you can sell ALL the seed from the silo’s and crops of coarse. 3.i have changed every single item’s clip distance on this map to improve the running of ... Read more
Cibieshire 2012

Welcome to Cibieshire 2012 Map i3D size 13,3mb Crops Maize/Grass/Wheat/Barley…. NO Rape….repeat NO Rape. This map has been build for farmers who like to test there driving skills and not all about out right speed. it is made up of a number of bumpy narrow back lanes and tight gate ways needing a steady driving style. most fields surrounding the farm are small to medium in size but you will find a number of large to very large fields on the out skirts designed for a long haul with your pals in MP. the only place to sell your grains ... Read more
Nellys Park

Hi all! This is an edit of Higher Hills ( Astons edit!) which basically i have reduced the i3d file, to make it that bit easier to run, and changed the yard. Ive added alot of trees in, 2bga pits, Maunre/Slurry and a grain station The BGA pits are great and people who love silage should love them. They are ideal for buckraking, and those all important Silage MP games. I hope you have fun! I hope this thing works for you! and the best of luck Ive got permision from both Bigman and Aston to release this map Happy ... Read more
Higher Hills Farm —– Aston\’s Edit
Buildings – LS–UK Modteam Roads by Russ Freelance Modding Crew Gates Earn Dale Store – Andrew Stanford Yard Pack – Deutz Fahr UK & MF6160 Speedcamera – Willjsavage Old Yard – FMC, Slartibartfast, Road Closed – Matt390t Bale Stacks – Emils96 Ring Feeder – Deutz FahrUK, DaleC & Slartibartfast Old Cottage – Griffy Download: http://ul.to/3effrsph https://rapidshare.com/files/2221974583/Higher_Hills_Farm_Aston_Edit.zip
Blackcrow Farm
BGA scripts Heady Mr “F” For map objects Tobsel88 for the tree’s Fatian for the roads Nikl for the fert barn Luis for the grass texture LS–UK modteam for the use of their Buildings Spider for the hedges HeadshotXXL/Burner for the weed mod Koper/HmcrE for the Liquid manure and solid manure mod Imarvin for the gate pfreek for many detail‘s such as signs/fences etc.. Nico/Lip4 for the cow/grain barns D4rkfr34k for the grain sell point barn Desperados93 for his edited scripts for the liquid and solid manure mod LS–UK Modteam for their edit of the alternativetipping And last but not ... Read more
Astons GB map converted for 2011 Fixed
Aston for creating this map for 09 Giants software as it was originally released 2 years ago thanks to anyone who helped create this map convert to FS11 digger Download: http://ul.to/ev5nm5h6
Astons GB
Credits: LS09: Aston LS11: digger Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/127708369/79e758b/Unzip_me_Aston_GB_map-1-.zip.html