Tag: aswell
Lely Hibiscus Rake

Description Here is my rendition of fendt2468\’s Lely v.1.1 I have edited the logo and branding of this machine aswell as the dirt effect i have now made this get even dirtier (grassier) than before everthing else is the same as before. Credits SFM–Modding Re skinnet: Fendt2468 Re edit: bertwrfc
Lely Hibiscus Rake

Here is my rendition of fendt2468’s Lely v.1.1 I have edited the logo and branding of this machine aswell as the dirt effect i have now made this get even dirtier (grassier) than before everthing else is the same as before. Credits SFM-Modding Re skinnet: Fendt2468 Re edit: bertwrfc
Fendt 722 With Front Loader Edited By Mark99d

This is a Fendt 722 With front loader, Front Lift arms,front PTO, etc…you can also turn on all lights from inside the tractor.you can open some windows aswell.The only changes i made were 1. stiffened cab suspension due to so bouncy 2. Less fuel due to such large amount 3. More fuel consumption 4. Fixed front lift arm bug 5. Changed becons speed Credits SamN (owner of this mod) Mark99d (Editier of this mod)
Barn storage 2 tier

This is a barn for all your day to day item’s to be stored in a smallish area, not much bigger than a normal pole barn, this give’s you a upper storage area, which I myself use for tractor’s, I’ve had 16 up there and there is still room. down stair’s there is two identical sized area’s for trailer’s ect, and adjacent to that is a area which I use for combine’s. For small map’s this will be usefull, hut like I said enjoy If you want it, thank’s if you upload this, and I’am alway’s making more for everyone ... Read more
Kazville Bus Stop
This is a bus stop for your map, to be inserted via GE. It is 1:1:1 scale and has AO mapping aswell You can add to your maps if you upload your map please give credits thanks. Credits: Modle: Kaznall Texture and AO : Kazznall and wizznall Ingame: Kaznall Plus a special thanks to sam for teaching me and sharing his knowlage with me. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?2p7rpo9cs91wd4c http://www.sendspace.com/file/vyekhz
John Deere 7530 Premuim (edit)
This is my edit of the John deere 7530.This is a brilliant mod and very detailed. Comes with -Working cab suspesnion -Animated front axle -New and improved beacons able to have to channels REMEMBER TO PRESS HOME BUTTON FOR BEACONS. I have removed consoles out of the cab and improved the lighting textures aswell.I added improved beacons and the offical JD silver streak on the bonnet. Unfortuntly I was unable to fix the badge being upside down I tried but it messed up the JD. If any issues I will be more than happy to help you out. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?bokbc1a5p82r7fm ... Read more
Close FarmV1
This farm is small and compact, with everthing you need to run a farm, it has a cow zone, milk pickup-working, the DLC2 is needed for this map aswell, only standard fruits on this map as its small, i’ve tried it on multiplayer, seem’s to work ok, it has 2 sell points bio + mill Credits: bridge-by Bruecke_Klein Roads-by Russ Triggers-by Cadaver(uk) Empty map-by Cadaver(uk) Farm Shop-by dodo27 Ls-Uk for there amazing site and members Giants editor for making things possible Download: http://www.sendspace.com/file/uk4re5
Ford 510 Edit
This is a 1976 Ford 510 loader. It is a good baling and hay tractor. The tractor produces alot of smoke when under load and when is hired. Information Panel: key 0 Start Engine: Kp Enter Gearbox: Activate and deactivate with spacebar, when activated a panel with gears will appear Switching gears: Left Mouse Button Right increases decreases Reduced and normal gait: End Home RPM: PagUp, PagDn Add weights: 5 Open Bonnet: 7.8 the number Autopilot Panel: Kp 0 Light= F It feature Mousecontrold loader aswell Edit– Took off cab cover and removed front guard, front grill, and Also gave ... Read more
Wheat Textures
Description: This includes wheat texture, windrow texture and cutted short aswell. Go to start>my computer>Local disc (C )>program files>FS/LS09>data>maps>textures>foliage Then replace the old files with this ones. Open the RAR to find texture file. Download: Wheat Textures [Hotfile.com]