Tag: attacher
Walton Bale Grab

This is a bale grab designed for use with telehandlers. It can take 1, 2 or 3 bales, and it has a script attacher. You can open / close the grap thanks to the mouse riht button. To attach / detach Bales you just have to press “O” or the mouse middle button. Credits Model & Ingame : Russ Attacher script : Geri-G Adaptation and moving parts : JD72
IHC 745XL v1.2 mit Attacher

Hello, I’ve downloaded the IHC 745XL v1.1 fixed and then I remembered that there is no Attacher it. So I have got a Attacher inveigled. Here is the IHC 745XL v 1.2 for you! Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?ivg2c7cqodkddk0 http://www.sendspace.com/file/cryjnl
Zmaj 143 V1.2

Multyfruit, Fixed attacher joint Smaller i3d file Shiney effect Pack include: Combine Header Corn header 4 rows – credits by massey Credits: Serbian Official Modding Team Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?w69d5c1cwl978hb http://www.sendspace.com/file/imnfsu
Fendt 924 vario
this is a fendt 924 vario. it is a great tractor!! functions: Height-adjustable hitch ein-/ausblendbare warning signs PTO Attacher Dynamic exhaust fumes Animated window including stamp lighting V3.1 suspension seat Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?0yagd56vn2cfgyf http://www.sendspace.com/file/2ufkzv
Volvo FH Pack v2
This is a pack with the Volvo FH12 540 and Volvo FH16 750. ( I know that front is’t like the real ones but i may come in a version 3) I think i got everything fixed on them since v1. And i added some more things to them too. Thanks to egta who has being my beta tester. Volvo FH540: Side skirts Beleuchtung V3.1 ESLimiter Extra weights Operating Hours Update log: fixed floating issues added low attacher joint fixed wheel issues .xml errors wider shorter working operating hours more lights options Volvo FH16 750: Side skirts Beleuchtung V3.1 ESLimiter ... Read more
Beton Gewicht mit Schweiz Fahnen und Attacher
Mein Beton Gewicht mit Attacher aus LS für den SRS samt funktionierenden Schema-Icons bei der Geräteauswahl (Taste g). Jetzt mit 2 Schweiz Fahnen die sich im Wind bewegen. Gewicht: 2 Tonnen Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?xo9soeje2b655mb http://www.sendspace.com/file/1jbn3b
Agrotron M640 Agravis Edition
Dies ist der Deutz Agrotron M640 für SRS ich habe ihn umgeschrieben. Eggor hat mir die Erlaubnis dazu erteilt. Funktionen: Powershaft Attacher RPM Limiter Beleuchtungsscript V3 Betriebsstundenzähler Download: http://ul.to/n0aqt3yk http://uploading.com/files/d2fd34b1/AgrotronM640_Agravis_Edition.zip/
LightsAddon V3.1
· highbeams ( press and hold the lights-key for some seconds to activate the highbeam ) · brakelights · reverselights · direction lights left/right (optional with automatic switch-off) · optional ticksound for the turnlights · hazardlights · parkinglights left/right ( leave the direction lights on when leaving the vehicle ) · parkinglight for the vehicle ( if you set the option lightsStayOn true) · daytime-running-lights · stroboscope flashers (optional defined or random sequence) · seperate switchable workinglights · turn-, reverse– and directionlights are syncronized with attacher vehicle · speed of ... Read more
Beton Gewicht mit Attacher
Description: Gewicht: 2 Tonnen Credits: toni13 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?4s9b75k9d09hs39 http://hotfile.com/dl/135791833/f455b75/cementWeight.zip.html
Deutz Agrotron 200
Description: Modell: Deutzjeck93 Textur: Deutzjeck93 Ingame: Deutzjeck93 Teile des Innenraums: funker Reifen vom: Case Maxxum 5150 Edit – Reifen,fl attacher, innenraum, … : Desperados93 Download: Deutz Agrotron 200 [Hotfile.com] Download: Deutz Agrotron 200 [Uploading.com]