Tag: back
HW 80 Service Trailer v 2.0

Description I have even taken on request of buddelflink its HW-06-80 Service Trailer from LS11 to LS13, it hurts my soul, I did not get the trailer ready in time because Buddelflink-06 died on 18.01.2013 unfortunately I really wanted to release him, but after back language of the other two members of NKM-modding, who have asked me to do this but … here he is It is on it for Saatpaletten Drillmaschienen a tank for diesel fuel, a tank for fertilizer, and a Kärcher to clean Maschienen Credits: Urmodell by NKM–Modding LS 13 Ready tiger1234
Case International 1594 mod

Description Case International 1594 By opelman I has realease permit from him. This Case Ih is very good on ploughing. This Mod has next functions: Ploughing specs. Washable, powerShaftAttacher, Dynamic Exhaust particle, Wheelparticles, Interactive control panel, Wheel tracks, ESlimiter, openable doors, duals, front weight, controlPanelAttacher, openable windows, Switchable 2×2 Traction, Drive direction Change, hours, press \”5\” to 2×2 Traction on/off press \”6\” to turn on worklights and press again to turn them off press \”7\” to put on or remove weights press \”8\” to put on right dual wheel press \”9\” to put on left dual wheel press O to ... Read more
Belarus 40 T v 1

Sun people have, sometimes very deeply dug into the LS09 crate and found the old battle bowl and converted, but is aware of the urmodder nich known but if it the mod is known, can indeed report to me once, but will be satisfied because the The first T-40 WITHOUT LOGFEHLER, and PLEASE PLEASE THE BITCH NICH FORGET, that would mean only that I do not make mods more correctly, the you have something what is right, is a little problem there but still with the IndoorCam when I really imagine you look back, otherwise it only rotates side twisted ... Read more
Player Camera v 1.0
Left click and hold to scroll with the mouse wheel: view up, down Rights hold mouse button, scroll with the mouse wheel: back view and zoom out Credits: Heady JD129 Ls zockerdup1
7810 v 1.0Überarbeitet
features: – Rear window open / close – Door Opening / Closing – Twins front (on / off) – Twins back ” – Beacon fold ausklapen / –Warning signs fade in / fade Credits: Wohlstandskind LSFarmer2013
Tow chain v 3 Beta
Description: – Funmod and beta – The red end must at the front of the tractor hitch – Then you can pull up a bit and secure with the 9 key chain to transport the tractor – Then at the back of use, press 9 to solve, and go back a little – Tug to the park at the rear chain – Then again, in the other tractor sat and press key 9 – Thus, both tugs connected
Description V1.0 Features: 1. Mouse controlled front loader with standard frontloader and telehandler type attachers 2. Key controlled back actor 3. Opening left door 4. Opening rear window (toggle visible / invisible) 5. Rotating platform (driver seat and camera) for back actor mode operation with wider field of vision 6. Working stabiliser jacks 7. Not multiplayer compatible (it would require additions to the scripts to make it MP compatible, I have no plans to make it MP compatible as I don’t use it but anyone else is welcome to try) 8. Engine note drops and exhaust emits more smoke when ... Read more
Simulator WORLD v 2.0
The new edition of “simulator WORLD” is there and brings back a lot of news and reviews from the world of PC simulation! 40 pages of full simulation highlights, written by national and international journalists, has something for everyone.
David Brown 1690 ver1.2
David Brown 1690 made by opelman. I has realease permit from him. ver 1.2 Updates:smaller file size, new hood, new tires,added some details, dynamic exhaust, power shaft attacher Mod has basic functions: ESlimiter, openable doors, duals, front weight, controlPanelAttacher, manualIgnition, openable windows Switchable 4X4 Traction, dynamic exhaust, powershaft attacher press “5” to start the tractor press “6” to turn on worklights and press again to turn them off press “7” to put on or remove weights press “8” to turn 4×4 on/off press “9” to put on rear dual wheels press num1 open/close left door press num2 open/close right door ... Read more
Here,s the Fendt ive been working on it has the following specializations ES limiter Lightscript v3.1 DynamicExhaustingSystem hydraulicAnimations realisticIndoorCam zylinder Double wheels front activate with 5 Double wheels back activate with 6 Ao Texture A good old Fendt 311 sound Front and back hydraulics PTO attacher Have fun with it cheers Bjorny Credits Scripts:Sven777b,SFM-Modding,modelleicher Wheels:Bullet