Tag: ball
Pöttinger Jumbo 10000L

Description Features: – Fully animated slate floor – Trailing axle – Animated tailgate – Animated steering linkage with real ball hitch – Fully Animated Pickup – FillType: Grass – Capacity: 50,000 liters – Minimum required standard tractor: Deutz M620 Agrotron including front weight 900kg Credits alexsXD SFM–Modding
Clutch for tractor v 1

Here is a clutch for tractors. It is a separate clutch, with which you can hang a normal truck trailers or equipment with the ball coupler. Author: gnescher
Carinthia map v 1.0 by husqvarnafan

Hello dear community ls I thank all of those modders and textures I’ve used objects Required mods: Map door trigger map bga silo It is, for example. improved a hw 80 requires service, the trailer because I did not with the seeds and the ferlitzer hinbekommen in v2 It’s a fish on the map a ball shredder etc. The map has been built complete new You can sell your crops at Billinger country trade There are small to medium size fields that are all biting excessively steep I have uploaded the map so that you can tell me what can ... Read more
McHale 991
McHale 991 bale wrapper 3 colors (changing colors: Black, Green, White)Automatic (no need for 3 separate wrappers/mods).Lighting’s Script V3.1Work light, turn signals, brake lights, reversing lights.Transport position, labor’s position, ball counters, animated prop.Particle uptake in bales, roll animation time reduced.Selectable color films in transport mode. New tires, steering axis in labor’s position.Is stored:The selected color wrap, bale counter and transportation and labor’s position. Whether all the animations are visible in multiplayer I can not say.Price in Store: 16,990 LS The winding process and the loading and unloading are automatic.Choice is to unload the bales wrapped, either after the winding process, ... Read more
By the riverside v3 Multifruit / DLC2 BGA
Foreword version 3 on the river bank / Multi Fruit & DLC2 BGAAutor: @ FunkyDie Map the riverside is a newly constructed map, based map to an emptiness of the idea of this map was created by the Riverside Map of Halycon Media … This map is! 1to1 but not a replica with another Objeckten which corresponds approximately to the Riverside Map! This map has the standard four new fruit varieties such as … Sunflower, potato, beet, oats, rye presence is still the DLC2 BGA as a ball yard manure shredder on sale, etc.. Change in the V3! BGA Silofüllmengen ... Read more
Gföllner 2-axis ball trolley
Modell, Textur : Player1 Modell Änderungen : DarkEnergY Ingame : Chrüchix Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?03ozbkpjzappdcl http://www.sendspace.com/file/nbjnfy
AA47ubtmgrn v1
This is a trailer ball from the pack of gnescher in another Skinn from me. The Skinn has fallen and some not so I thought I umskinne him. It’s my first skinn. The boards have been newly fitted and the ramen with a rust texture. Hope you enjoy the Skinn. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?jx4uzrdxmqsx42t http://www.sendspace.com/file/v6q7yr
Hello everyone heres another one of those Tennessee style farms this is a simple farm I made this farm just for people who like the small tractors you have one farm and 8 fields you can sell or store your grain theres one sell point at the mill the cows walk around your barn like in real life I tryed to make a school house and base ball field theres lots of nice places to fish you have the orignal fruits the milk truck runs twice a day well thats about it hope you all enjoy this farm. Credits: Giants ... Read more