Tag: Ballenschredder
Pleasent Valley V2

This is the V2 of Pleasent Valley by “The_Game”. This is the revised version of my Pleasant Valley map. Most of the map has stayed the same with the exception of the following.Since several of you asked about the ablity to sell manure I added a second tank at the cattlezone for liquid manure.This is not for filling your tankers for spreading on your fields it is for filling up a tanker or trailer and taking it for sale ate the new sell point. The regular liquid manure tank is still at the cattlezone for filling your liquid manure spreaders. ... Read more
Landgenuss v2

Features: Grosser Hof Ballenschredder Biogasanlage PDA–Karte angepasst (V.2) Manche Felder wurden vergrössert Neue Texturen (V.2) Kuhweide vergrössert (V.2) Strasse wurde optimal angepasst (V.2) Felder zu 30% bestellt Wichtig: BGA Scripte werden benötigt Auch für LOW-PC‘s geeignet Download:
Edward Jones Farm v3

Viele von euch kennen ja schon die Edward Jones Farm Map, bzw. die v1 und die v2, jetzt bin ich endlich soweit durch und kann euch die fast fertige map zum download bereitstellen (: hier und da können noch fehler auftauchen und dafür brauche ich jetzt euch, sagt mir wenn ihr was findet und dann will ich zusehen das ich das in der final version behoben bekomme. (das Problem mit den Startfahrzeugen wird dann in der nächsten Version auch wieder behoben sein) Ich habe jetzt wirklich einiges an Zeit in diese Map investiert, ich denke jeder der schonmal mit dem ... Read more
Pugs Map
Bga Deutz Händler Ballenschredder neue silos Download: http://ul.to/05oi4dpp http://uploading.com/files/ac935fmd/MoepsersMapV2.zip/
Oxfordshire Farms
Credits: Authors – cottonvillefarms main build and scheme sandgropher for additions editing + hours of testing and fixing bad alocations Seed shed by sandgropher PDA by sandgropher LAU by sandgropher Tested by sandgropher Downloads used include Ace-uk starter Map Sniper214 for the – SilagePit_Commodity_v2-5 All fencing by – sandgropher dave_p for – milk mod Hedges by – countypower And to the creator of the automatic blue gate, can’t find you. **** Credits Ballenschredder 2011 **** Model: sprengi Tankstelle und Teile StrawElevator: giants-software Texturen: Google Sketchup, giants-software, sprengi sound: sprengi HAY/Straw Shed by – jd8430t Original Map: giants-software Golden corn texture ... Read more
Westbury Farm v 2.1
This is an edit of the original map. The map hasn’t been altered much as I preferred to leave the major areas alone. So the Harbor,Grain Mill and Brewery are in there original positions. The grain Mill has been replaced by a different mill but in the same area. I have also added a Silo, Seed and fertilizer areas to the East of the Map. I have the quality set to High for my PC but if you find it too much strain PLEASE reduce the Quality to medium. Credits New Silo by balogh2003 FarmYard Building by Solanz Farmshop by ... Read more
Credits: @Map by Giants UmEinbau @Funky Headys BGA Ballenschredder Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/123465013/41f5394/Funkyfarm_Entpack_mich_In_den_Modsordner.zip.html
Mountain Valley Farm
This will probaly be version 1 as I have some more things I want to do like adding fruits and finish textures. I’m releasing now for testing purposes by a few and any one who wants to give me feedback. It mimics farms in my area exccept for the town as my nearest town is 10 miles away. Credits: Me cottonville farms for the map build dave_p for milk mod **** Credits Ballenschredder 2011 **** Model: sprengi Tankstelle und Teile StrawElevator: giants-software Texturen: Google Sketchup, giants-software, sprengi sound: sprengi Original Map: giants-software Golden corn texture – badlanz79 Grass Texture Pack ... Read more